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Art that can be Found Outside the Library


When approaching the library door, be sure to look up and take a glance at the inspiring mosaic created by a local Big Rapids artist, Sheila Geglio. Sheila is a multi-media artist whom has been featured in Artworks a number of times.

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Anna Howard Shaw

The Anna Howard Shaw statue is a three-dimensional work of art that we proudly host. Lloyd Radell sculpted this on October 9, 1988. Shaw was born in England but raised in Green Township in Mecosta County. 

Her work with Susan B. Anthony resulted in the passing of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote in the United States. While also becoming one of the first female ordained ministers in the United States. 

Art Inside the Library

Staircase to the Second Floor

The stairs are home to many fantastically painted characters, all created by G. Mallett. Some have arms and legs, while others have wings, or even tentacles. While heading up or down on our stairs make sure to take a look at all the different paintings, and learn some history along the way.

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The Children's Room

The Children's room is filled with art! Our young readers can get up close and personal with the artwork. One painting, in particular, is somewhat hidden near the picture books, the Alphabet Column. Can you name each image painted in the letters of the alphabet? 

G. Mallett painted the Alphabet Column and the Height Chart. 

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Child Reading Story

Child Reading Storybook was crafted by Motawi Tileworks and based on a piece produced in 1927. The Washington Square Public Library originally commissioned this version in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Here at the Big Rapids Community Library, our piece is dedicated to former Friends of the Library President Mary Balestra Ryan.

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Enfolded by Beauty

The media room is where you can find Enfolded By Beauty by Linda Stephen. Stephen gave a workshop on origami, the Japanese art of folding paper, to over 400 people from the Big Rapids community, ages 3 to 90. The participants at Artworks and area schools worked together to make more than 1,500 tiny origami tulips in an array of colors. The artwork depicts a spring scene at Mitchell Creek Park with a view of downtown Big Rapids.

BRCL logo - colorful pages turning to rapids


426 S. Michigan Ave.

Big Rapids, MI 49307

Phone (231) 796-5234

Fax (231) 796-1078


Gabbie Texting Service

Text 231-216-8942
to speak to a librarian. 

Library Hours

Monday            11 am - 6 pm
Tuesday            11 am - 6 pm
Wednesday      11 am - 6 pm
Thursday           11 am - 6 pm
 Friday                11 am - 6 pm 
Saturday           10 am -3 pm
Sunday                       Closed 

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